With innovative handbags and super stylish designs, Sherpani is for the woman on the go. The casual designs and fun decor give Sherpani Bags a unique and whimsical appeal that will turn heads.
How do we define high quality? Luggage that withstands the rigors of travel and still performs as you need it to. Bags and suitcases aren’t just for show; they’re made to be used. So we only stock products made to last. No matter how nice it looks, if it won’t hold up, it’s not high-quality luggage — and it’s not in our inventory.
The top luggage brands tend to be on top for a reason. They’ve proven their durability and convenience, and they come in styles travelers love. Find familiar names like Eagle Creek, Patagonia, Samsonite, SwissGear, and many more. With all the best luggage brands in one place, you can easily find the best size and weight for you.
High-quality luggage doesn’t have to be expensive. LuggageBase offers the best value luggage brands available while also offering fantastic deals on premium products. You’ll find competitive pricing on every type of luggage, from backpacks to rolling trunks, so you can stretch your dollar further. When your luggage investment goes further, so can you.
The Sherpani brand is best known for its unique feminine styles, fresh color palettes, and distinctive prints. Sherpani Bags produce products for the kind of people we are and the kind of people we want to be. Our boldly fresh, feminine designs are inspired by a desire for individualism and independence. Sherpani Bags are made of 67% recycled materials and non-toxic dyes!
Breathe, Give, Stretch, Go. The creed of Sherpani Luggage is an unpretending expression of our values and lifestyles. We believe that to create something special, the choices we make are just as important as the bags we make. At Sherpani, we produce products for the kind of people we are and the kind of people we want to be.
Our uniquely uncommon style is a reflection of our confidence. The clean, simple silhouettes and soft fabrics of Sherpani bags express our desire to balance frenetic life with the tranquility of Nature.